Well, updated contents, in any case.
I ran a contest on 99 Designs and was very happy with the artwork for the new cover. I've fixed up the Kindle and CreateSpace editions and hope to be receiving my first proof editions of the paperback in a day or two.
The new artwork is a damned sight better than my original rather feeble cover, and I will be using 99 Designs (and hopefully the same artists) for the new book. I'm hopeful that it will bring attract a few more eyes, as well as being much more representative of some of the dire events in The Prometheus Option.
New book, you say? Yes, there will be another book. The working title is "On This New Sea." It will very likely be a couple or three years before I publish it. In the meantime I have to learn French, and I have a new job that will demand much of my attention. And I have to keep flogging "The Prometheus Option" to readers.
My last Amazon ad campaign actually did better than breaking even. With the new eye-candy of the cover art, I'm hoping it will do even better next time.
Kirkus Reviews and A-Thrill-A-Week have published positive editorial reviews as well. I'm hopeful that the readership will continue to expand.
And positive reader reviews keep coming in! The Amazon.com composite rating is now 4.9 out of 5 stars, with eighteen reviewers providing feedback. On Goodreads.com, the score is a bit lower but trending upward, still an extremely respectable 4.57 out of 5. Very exciting!